sexta-feira, 30 de setembro de 2011


60. Go a month without chocolate. (in progress)

October means no chocolate!
Ok, this goal will be quite difficult for me. I LOVE chocolate!
And not eating chocolate means not eating chocolate cereals, chocolate cookies, chocolate salami, chocolate cake or drinking chocolate milk and chocolate milkshakes.
It will be a sad, sad month. :(

Oh today I finished goal nr 74 – Eat an apple a day for one month. I’m really happy I managed to do it. Forgetting to eat an apple wouldn’t be that improbable to me.

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2011


85. Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet (in progress - 4/26)

Today I finished reading “Cell”. My grandfather borrowed the book to my brother and then he borrowed it to me.
I had never read a book by Stephen King but I was impressed. Yes, I know he’s the author of “The Shining”. I’ve never read the novel or watched the movie.
The premise is very interesting:
“Mobile phones deliver the apocalypse to millions of unsuspecting humans by wiping their brains of any humanity, leaving only aggressive and destructive impulses behind.”
The idea is so scary. If, suddenly, you’d start seeing people biting dogs’ ears and trying to eat one another, what would you? I’d definitely call my parents. But what would happen to me afterwards? I’d become a zombie.
And all the characters feel so human.
I really liked the book. Not as much as I liked “Brave New World”. But it is a nice book!

sábado, 24 de setembro de 2011

Tom and Jerry coloring book

11. Complete a coloring book.

Today I finished a coloring book!
First of all, I’d like to explain why I chose this challenge. I spend a lot of time being a grown-up, having to study and behaving a certain way, and because of that I like to have some escapism from that reality and bring out my childish side. Don’t get me wrong, I can be very silly in my day-to-day life but sometimes I forget how much joy I still get from what I used to play as a kid.
And second… I got a Tom and Jerry coloring book for only 90 cents at a Chinese store. I was so glad with my purchase! The day that I got it, I spoke on the phone with one of my closest friends and when I told her what I did, she started laughing really loud. Why? She loves to paint coloring pictures too! However, she usually gets them from the internet.

domingo, 18 de setembro de 2011

50 Places to Visit

59. Make a list of 50 places I would like to visit in my lifetime

Top 50 (in no particular order)

1.       Porto
2.       Aveiro
3.       New York
4.       Chicago
5.       Washington D. C.
6.       Sydney
7.       New Zealand
8.       Toronto
9.       Vancouver
10.   Quebec
11.   Madrid
12.   Dublin
13.   Rio de Janeiro
14.   Roma
15.   Venice
16.   Milan
17.   Berlin
18.   Frankfurt
19.   Greece
20.   Disney World
21.   Egypt
22.   Tokyo
23.   Thailand
24.   South Korea
25.   Beijing
26.   Amsterdam
27.   Cannes
28.   Marseille
29.   Moscow
30.   Budapest
31.   Norway
32.   Finland
33.   Sweden
34.   Denmark
35.   Slovenia
36.   Turkey
37.   Morocco
38.   Mozambique
39.   Indonesia
40.   Philippines
41.   Cape Verde
42.   Argentina
43.   Peru
44.   India
45.   Mexico
46.   Chile
47.   Palma de Mallorca
48.   Hawaii
49.   Alaska
50.   Monte Carlo

Oh by the way, I’ve already got company for the helicopter ride. My granddad always wanted to take one!
That’s something I’m really excited about!


sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011

The Screwtape Letters

55. Finish a book in a day.
85. Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet (in progress - 3/26)

Wow, I’m on fire!

I haven’t felt like reading basically the all summer and finally I am back to myself. I blame university for that, I studied so hard and read so much the past year! I definitely needed a break from my brain.
Luckily, the books that I read recently were absolutely fantastic and gave me a renewed passion for literature.
The Screwtape Letters is such an awkward and strange book. I’ve meant to read it since I was 15, four years later I finally did it! All that I’ll say is that it is a series of letters from a demon to his nephew, also a demon. Very unusual, for sure!
Oh and if it helps, the author of the book is the author of Chronicles of Narnia.


sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2011

Brave New World

85. Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet. (in progress)

Today I finished reading Brave New World. What a fantastic book! I definitely recommend it to anyone who loves reading.
It’s a haunting and disturbing story! Imagining the society described in the book is almost impossible. It’s terrifying thinking of that.
I don’t want to reveal the story because when I started reading I didn’t know a thing of the story or what it was about and I think that added some of the magic. I’ll only say that it did remind me of 1984 in a very good way.

Oh and today I made a birthday cake for my brother but I didn’t do it all by myself and because of that I won’t consider the item nr 10 done.


quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2011


74. Eat an apple a day for one month.

This is the month.
I’ve eaten my first Apple of the month at breakfast. It was a great way to start the day. Maybe I’ll stick to it for as long as possible.

On the 29th, I went to an annual beach party. It consists of spending the night at the beach and at midnight going for a swim. It usually includes food, music, fire, fireworks, drunk people… It’s a really fun party.
And I thought that maybe I would end up achieving my 57th goal “Stay up all night talking”. But I just can’t consider it done, although I only went to sleep at 7 a.m. on the 30th.  It was so windy and cold that I just wasn’t able to enjoy it.  All I’d say was “I’m so cold. I shouldn’t have come”.
Hopefully next year, the weather is better!