quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012


17. Bake cupcakes.

This is my first attempt at making cupcakes and they were yummy!


Self Portrait V

26. Take a self portrait every week for one year (5/52)

For the last few days I’ve been chilling out on the beach, walking and reading. I’ve also been watching some movies and series. I’m planning on going to the cinema this afternoon. I’m really excited about Hugo, I hope it’s good. Later I’m thinking about doing one of my goals from Day Zero Project!

sábado, 18 de fevereiro de 2012

Self Portrait IV

26. Take a self portrait every week for one year. (4/52)

I'm finally free from uni!! Yay! Now I have the time to watch all the movies and series that I want, to read as much as I feel like and to do absolutely nothing!


terça-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2012

East of Eden - the movie

64. Watch all of James Dean's movies. (3/3)

I just realized that I forgot to post that I’ve already seen East of Eden’s movie. I watched it the same day that I finished reading the book, I couldn’t help myself.
So… The movie! It only covers a fragment of the story and I felt that it was very loosely based on the book. As a movie, it’s very good. It has great performances and it’s really entertaining. But when I think about the book, the movie ends up letting me down. How come they left out when of the greatest characters, Lee?
Well, I think I wouldn’t feel so disappointed if I’d seen the movie first and I do understand that it’s a great movie, it’s just not exactly as the book.

                And watching James Dean is always a delight!


sábado, 11 de fevereiro de 2012

Self Portrait III

26. Take a self potrait every weekfor one year. (3/52)

The only thing that makes this week a little less awful, FOOD! Ah!
Ok, the only bad thing about this week was studying, but since I had to do it all the time, I think it qualifies as a pretty bad week.

sábado, 4 de fevereiro de 2012

Self Portrait II

26. Take a self portrait every week for one year (2/52)

This picture represents my week pretty well!
Studying all week long! Ahhhh