sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

New hobby? Jewellery

68. Make a pair of earrings.

I wanted to make a pair of earrings for a long time but I couldn’t find the time to explore the city and find a shop that sells beads.
I decided that today would be the day.
The shop is fantastic. I’m not saying that I liked every single type of bead but I’m pretty sure that anyone can find something for their own taste.
As soon as I got home I made them. Pretty quickly, actually. And my friend Lucia helped me. 
I think they’re very cute. They don’t look homemade at all.
I’m thinking that making jewellery could be my new hobby. :)


quinta-feira, 24 de novembro de 2011


85. Read 26 books I've never read starting with each letter of the alphabet (in progress - 9/26)

I've finished reading this book for a while but I forgot to post about it. I have to be honest. I was so disappointed. This is the 3rd book of the Hunger Games series. I loved the first book. I loved the second. But this one left me feeling like something was wrong. Some story lines were over explored and others, very important storylines, weren't explored at all. I had a problem with the ending. This will be difficult to explain and not spoil the book to anyone but she ended up with the person that I wanted but the author didn't take the time to explain how it happened.
Maybe it wasn't that terrible but I loved the other books SO much that I thought that Mockingjay would just as awesome!

Btw, the trailer looks awesome. I'm super excited for the movie. It's a shame that it only comes out in March.


domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011


6. Make a wish at 11:11on November 11, 2011.

I did it! I’m not gonna share what the wish was. I’m like Cinderella. I’ll just say that I’d really like it to happen.
At that time I was with a friend in uni and when the alarm clock went on, we just stopped everything. We stood there and thought about our wish. I probably seemed a little silly. Especially because it was raining ahah

Sorry for the late update but I’ve been really busy!


segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2011

A Dangerous Method Premiere

18. Attend a film festival.

Last night I went to the premiere of “A Dangerous Method” at the Lisboa & Estoril Film Festival. I never thought I’d be able to go to a film festival so soon. The tickets were the same price as regular tickets. I thought it would be a good deal, so I decided to go with my brother.

David Cronenberg, the director, was there. The pictures are terrible but he’s the one on the right. He made a quick intro and left the room right away, that was a shame but it still was pretty cool to be at the same room as someone that famous. He made a remark about the film being accurate but that didn’t mean it was a good movie. He was just trying to be funny and I thought he seemed a very pleasant guy. I wanted to ask for an autograph and a picture with him but I’m quite shy.

I enjoyed the movie very much and I’m really glad that I decided to go. The actors were absolutely fantastic and I loved the cinematographic.


quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

Small Update

Lately I feel like I haven’t been committed enough to my Day Zero Project because of college.
BUT next week you’ll have big news from me! I’ll accomplish this Sunday one of my main goals.

See you soon!

Oh and BTW,
 60. Go a month without chocolate - Done