segunda-feira, 29 de agosto de 2011

Carlos Ruiz Zafón

54. Write an e-mail to my favorite author.

First I had to determine who my favorite author was.
The first name that popped into my mind was José Saramago.  The only problem is that he is dead.
Next on the list was Fernando Pessoa. Hum… Dead!
Finally I thought of Carlos Ruiz Zafón. He is a fantastic Spanish writer. Everyone should read his books. They’re so well written, mysterious and surprising. I feel that nowadays it’s quite difficult to find all of these qualities in the same person. But there is one small problem. I just can’t find his e-mail address. However I found out that he has a Facebook page.  I’ve decided to just leave a message on his wall saying what I wanted to say.

This is what I wrote to him:

“Dear Mr. Carlos Ruiz Záfon,
I’m one of the many people that your books have touched.  Your writing skills are mesmerizing and your stories are always captivating, surprising, mysterious and heartfelt.  It’s absolutely impossible to put down one of your books once you start reading it.
I am definitely looking forward to your next books and the translation of your first three books to Portuguese.
Please, keep up the good work!”

That was it! I bet he won’t read it but whatever.

quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011


Ok, biggest fail ever!
My mute mode only lasted for about 2 hours!!! And I’m not even that talkative usually. I just got distracted when my mom was showing me some of her new clothes and I said something. And I only noticed the second time I talked! Ridiculous!

Yesterday I forgot to say one thing. While I was in Paris everyone thought we (my family) were Italian, probably, because Portuguese people and Italian people look so much alike. Well, while I was there I really, really wanted to learn Italian. When I do it, I'll always speak shaking my hand in front of my face as if I'm saying something very serious and important. I can't explain it, but I think Italian calls for it! :)


terça-feira, 23 de agosto de 2011


I'm thinking about going mute tomorrow. That will be quite interesting! I'll always need to have a pen and a sheet of paper nearby but that will not be that difficult since I'll probably stay home. Today I had a small surgery. It was nothing very important. But I have band-aid at my face. Not very attractive!

Ohh! Paris was fantastic! I loved the city! It's definitely a beautiful place!
Here it's a picture of my brother and me at the Gardens of Versailles.

I am quite excited for September! There are lots of goal on the list that I'd like to accomplish.


segunda-feira, 8 de agosto de 2011

Next... Paris

So proud of myself!
Last weekend I watched the 1st season of Friends. I know, I know, it's kinda old, but I've heard so much about it, that by now it must be an American classic. I enjoyed it, although HIMYM is better.
And.... I've finally finished reading Romeo and Juliet. It may sound strange but I didn't like it that much. However I looove the movie ( Baz Luhrmann).

I didn't do any of my cooking but wathever...

3% of my to do list is done! :)

I've decided to update my list because it had way too much reading and at the moment I'm not that into that, which is quite strange because I love reading!
Also, one of the itens was going to Paris. I felt that I was cheating myself. When I made the list I already knew I was going there. so my new itens are:
  • Learn how to drive
  • Watch every Disney animated classic
  • Watch 30 movies in 30 days

That's it!
